There are many who believe that the planets and their positions have no influence on our Pale Blue Dot. However, I did an horary chart for the Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp debacle that occurred on October 4, 2021 to check where the planets were at that time. Mercury stationed retrograde on September 18, 2021 and this means that travel and communication in all its forms may be slowed down, misunderstood or possibly halted until it goes forward on October 18, 2021.
Lo and behold, what did I find? I found that Mercury retrograde, Mars, and the Sun were all in the 10th house position in Libra as of 11:45 AM EDT. The 10th house is traditionally ruled by Capricorn, whose planetary ruler is Saturn. Saturn, also known as Cronos, rules time, responsibility and structure. With time seemingly held at a standstill by Cronos, it surely appeared that Mars (action, passion, drive) wanted to go forward, but Mercury (communication) wasn't about to allow any messages through until justice was served to the masses (Sun in Libra). This suggests to me that it was going to take bit of time to go about figuring out what the issue was.
A representative of Facebook later stated on October 5, 2021 that "An update to Facebook's routers that coordinate network traffic went wrong on Monday, sending a wave of disruption and effectively shutting down Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp. As a result, all things Facebook were effectively shut down, worldwide." (KNPR, Why Facebook and Instagram went down for hours on Monday October 5, 2021, 11:46 AM ET).
The 6th house is traditionally run by Virgo, but as you can see in the chart below, at the time of the incident, the 6th house began in the zodiac sign of slow and steady Taurus and ended in the communicative sign of Gemini. With North Node in Gemini in 6th house position at that time they really had to move slowly, yet effectively in order to get down to the nitty gritty of analyzing the communications that their servers were experiencing. With Saturn and Jupiter both retrograde in Aquarius in the 2nd and 3rd house position respectively, this suggests that the the powers that be at Facebook, must learn to be responsible with what they have when dealing with large groups of people and their sensitive online data. They may have even had to get back to basics in order to solve the issues at hand.
They must be able to provide those who use these platforms with progressive tools that help foster stability, safety and reliable up-to-date security while online through a web browser and the mobile apps.
We must remember that even without social media, we are all still very much connected. One small ripple can still effect the shores on either side of the world no matter where we are in the world. We must strive to take care of the social networks we build, regardless of where they are -- physically, mentally or emotionally -- because ultimately the tie becomes a spiritual one.