Self truth is vital to Soul rejuvenation and healing trauma. The very first thing that must occur is forgiveness of Self trauma—The things you think, say and do to yourself. We all have an image of what we want to be, how we want to act and how we want to look. However, we all must first resolve that when we look in the mirror, we are faced with our genetic code –And THAT is what makes our physical selves unique. Now, that’s not to say that we can't make some improvements through diet, exercise and the occasional trip to the dermatologist , but we have to be comfortable in the home in which our Souls reside.
Everyone’s Self Truth is different, and yet, they are all ultimately tied by a common thread of desiring one thing---Acceptance from others. We all want to be loved for who we are—Not WHAT we are. It’s a hard road to Self reliance, Self discovery and Self acceptance and we must remember that one person’s Self Truth is no less or more than another’s since we all cope differently with who we are and who we want to be. We look for what we think we lack inside of others and forget to seek it inside of ourselves first.
The Truth is that we lack nothing. We are born with everything we need to succeed. The only thing you have, is the free will to change your current path or continue forward as you are now. It's really up to you and nobody else. Hardships will come and go, but it helps you to build your character. You cannot succeed in life without a strong sense of character, which leads to Self worth.
Look inside yourself and learn what truly moves you. If you have people in your life who do not encourage you to do what makes YOU move, makes YOU the best YOU can be, then remove yourself. If not, the Universe will surely do it for you. Being bound by blood or having shared experiences with others should not be an all-or-nothing reason to remain if the people don't understand your desires or your path. We must realize that as much as we would like to share the journey, others just won't or can't go.
Even if you don’t understand where your path is going, it is best to step out on what your intuition tells you to do. In the end, you will see and know that what you are doing is correct for the betterment of yourSelf. In the end, when you reach your destiny, you will look back at that long, hard winding trail and thank yourSelf for having the bravery, tenacity and belief to find your Truth.