As we all have heard and seen, the Coronavirus is affecting the entire global community. We all are concerned about our health, the well being of our loved ones and strangers we have never met. We are losing many brothers and sisters around the world on a daily basis because of the illness that the Coronavirus inflicts upon those who contract it. We may know where and how it started, but have we asked WHY it happened?
Humanity has been on a down-spiral for quite some time with incidents of bullying, high incidents of self indulgent behaviors like excessive drug and alcohol abuse and the blatant disregard for basic human rights for marginalized groups who only want to be treated fairly in a world hell-bent on keeping them in the dark. However, the Universe always has an antidote for imbalance. We all need it, whether we acknowledge it or not. You wouldn't know what the Sun was unless you knew the Moon. You can't know the "right," if you have no idea what "left" is. See? Balance.
At the time the Coronavirus began, it seems that all the major countries, namely the United States, China, Russia and even North Korea were or had been at odds in some way with each other. President Trump has been denying collusion with the Russian government, while at the same time, there has been evidence to the contrary. China and Canada were or had been at odds with the U.S. as far as trade agreements were concerned and the United States has slowly become a more polarized country as a nation within the last 5 years. Every major organization, country or company has been scrutinized and now, they are being called to the carpet.
It's time to reset the clock and bring humanity back together. We all need to come back to center and realize that all we have is each other, no matter what nationality we are, our ethnic background, gender or sexual orientation. If one country suffers, we all do.
Below is the star chart for the *Coronavirus event. As you can see, the planets that ask us to be responsible (Saturn), transform how we react/act with one another (Pluto) and how we show love for each other (Venus) are all in the 11th house of humanitarianism and social awareness in Capricorn. The Universe is telling us to be responsible enough to love one another and take care of each other because if we don't, we will all lose more than our jobs. We will lose more lives--Maybe even someone you love.
I have given an explanation of each house and the planets that were in them at the time the event began. This is so you can have a clearer understanding as to how they correspond with exactly how the event began, evolved and continues to go forward, even today.
*Event date is approximate based on timeline of discovery minus 2 weeks.* Planets that were in their home sign at the time of the event are: Saturn (Capricorn, 10th house), Mars (Scorpio, 8th house), and Neptune (Pisces, 12th house).
1. At the time the event began (not when it was discovered) the 1st house and 12th house made up the Ascendant sign (Rising sign) in Pisces. At the time, Neptune was conjunct with the Ascendant. The 12th house represents beginnings, endings, subconscious and karma while the 1st house represents the Self (how others see you, how you approach life, first impressions). It begins in Pisces and ends in Aries. It's bringing water with fire; cool you off first, then hit you with heat. Chiron, the Wounded Healer is in the 1st house as well. This "friendly virus" brings an issue you may not fully recover from, but you've got the information to help others "recover" from it and/or avoid it. *Some people weren't and still aren't taking this rising Pisces seriously. It seems real friendly; Hiding in plain sight. I do what you do, fit in where I can get in. Illusions all around. People subconsciously KNOW to distance themselves when others have colds and flu, but they refuse to do so or are slow to do it in regard to this virus because they seem to not take it as a threat, even though it is (Neptune, the Planet of illusions, dreams and fantasy). This virus brings illness to some who will die from it, while others may not fully recover from it (it has long term respiratory effects even after "recovery"). Those who have come in contact with it or have "recovered" from it are telling others to quarantine themselves, wash their hands, keep their hands from their faces and to practice social distancing (Chiron, the Wounded Healer).
2. Uranus Rx (retrograde) was and still is in Taurus, The 2nd house represents money, possessions, daily routines, habits, work and income. Planet Uranus rules chaos, innovation and tech. When a planet is retrograde, it means that we internalize the energy associated to that planet. *Everyone is wondering how they are going to keep their possessions, jobs, etc. Some of our daily routines have been interrupted, like going to the gym daily, while others are experiencing a spike in business which has them working longer than usual. Some of us are scrambling to pivot our traditional jobs to make them virtual/internet friendly, while others are already benefiting because they were virtual already (Uranus Rx, the planet of innovation, sudden change and chaos).
Example: Traditional schools are closing and having to figure out how to give online instruction to their students, while restaurants who were already doing some online deliveries are able to transition effortlessly to full online delivery services). This will give everyone time to work the kinks out since Uranus is a slow moving planet. For those of you wanting to start that online business, GET TO IT.
3. The 4th house started in Gemini and ended in Cancer. Gemini represents communication with siblings, education, short trips and neighbors. The 4th house represents home, foundations, mother, self care, and emotions. North Node was in Cancer in the 4th house. The North Node represents where we should be headed in life. *The Coronavirus event is telling everyone to get in contact with their families, go home, stay in their neighborhoods, and educate themselves (Gemini, the communicator), while also encouraging them to take care of themselves, take care of their families and lend emotional support where needed (Cancer, the nurturer). If they have to go out, make it quick. Otherwise, stay home.
4. The 6th house started in Leo and ended in Virgo. The 6th house represents health, analytics, service given, and sense of usefulness. At the time the Coronavirus event started, the Moon was in Virgo directly on the Descendant. The moon relates to how we feel. *We were fiery about what to do in the beginning as far as how often we washed our hands, how we came in contact with each other, and how we served each other (Leo, the attention seeker: Look at what I'm doing. See?). Now we make sure we do all the steps to keep it up (Virgo, the list maker, perfection). This event is telling everyone to be vigilant with their health, be useful and have a sense of usefulness to others.
Example: If you feel that you're doing your best to maintain your health by washing your hands often and practicing social distancing to keep yourself from getting sick, you will gain a sense of feeling useful by assisting others to do the same for themselves). The Moon in Virgo on the Descendant also indicates that the first individual who came in contact with the virus "felt" like nurturing his family (Moon is mother/nurturer) with something that he felt would be a healthy food item (Virgo, soup). A family member may have told him that it wasn't necessary to do, but he wanted to do it anyway (Leo) and felt that it would be the perfect meal for the family (Virgo).
5. The 8th house started in Libra and ended in Scorpio. This house represents other people's resources, joint ventures, real estate, inheritance, intimacy, sex and merging. *Libra is a fair and just sign. Scorpio is about manipulation, control and transformation. In the beginning we were fair and wanted to make sure things were balanced (Libra). As things became worse, people began hoarding resources, and did not want to share. We saw how others wanted to manipulate and control what others did it and didn't get by hoarding and then up selling items for a profit or they were hiding stashes to keep for themselves (Scorpio). However, the stores and the government on the local and federal levels came in and regulated how essential items were to be distributed (Libra).
Example: In the beginning there was plenty of toilet paper, bread, eggs, water and milk, medical supplies, disinfectant, etc. As time went forward, it became apparent that people refused to share the above-mentioned items. The local and federal government, and even stores, now have to regulate the amount of essential items we buy or have access to, in order to insure everyone has what they need.
6. The 9th house started in Scorpio and ended in Sagittarius. The 9th house represents ethics, higher learning, long trips, cross-cultural relationships, religion and philosophy. Sagittarius is known for being optimistic, traveling, and adventure. Mercury is the planet of communication. *The outbreak of the Coronavirus event began in Hubei Province, Wuhan, China. The Chinese government kept the outbreak a secret by not telling anyone in the beginning, which shows an attempt to manipulate and control how it might effect everyone else (Scorpio). However, the virus has since traveled around the globe, and has involved just about every race and culture on the planet and is being talked about by everyone. (Sagittarius and Mercury).
7. The 10th house started in Sagittarius and ended in Capricorn. The 10th house represents long term goals, public image, reputation, fame, masculinity, men and fathers. Again, Sagittarius is optimistic, philosophical and adventurous. Capricorns are known for their work ethic, responsible nature and ability to manifest something from seemingly nothing. The Sun was in Sagittarius while Jupiter was in Capricorn. The Sun illuminates everything it touches, Jupiter bring gifts to you whether it's good or bad. * The effects of the Coronavirus will be and is a long term event. We can see that it's here for the long haul. Jupiter in Capricorn is telling us that we will have a long term goal of success if we act responsibly to find a vaccine. We will reap the fruits of our labor if we work hard. However, if we don't do the work, there will be delays and this virus will stay longer. This pandemic seemed to come out of nowhere and is a modern day Bubonic Plague, thereby becoming infamous/famous for the devastation it has caused on the human inhabitants on the planet.
8. The 11th house started in Capricorn and ended in Aquarius. This is the house of groups, friends, organizations, hopes and wishes for the future. Capricorn represents responsibility and Aquarius represents humanitarianism, innovation and social awareness. There are three planets here, all in Capricorn: Venus, Pluto and Saturn. Venus represents love and beauty, Pluto represents transformation, manipulation and control and Saturn represents karma, restriction and responsibility.
* The Coronavirus event is telling us that if we love our friends, organizations, etc. (Venus), then be responsible (Saturn) enough to stay away from them so that you can change (Pluto) how you interact, otherwise, you will regret not doing so (Saturn). It is also saying that we all must work together as a global team to get humanity back on a healthy, more humane track. Start being consistent in showing compassion to your fellow man and do what needs to be done for EVERYONE---Invent something if you have to (vaccines, masks, ventilators, revamp your healthcare organizations, financial institutions, educational systems, delivery systems, etc.).
The Universe is giving us all a chance to reset and re-prioritize what's important. What should be most important to everyone now, is the gift of life, the gift of gratitude and showing compassion. The Universe is trying to show us that we have the capacity to band together when an invisible enemy comes calling, and defeat it. If we commit to learning this right now, once and for all, and then consistently apply it later when things go back to normal--Whatever that will be--We will be able to move together as a globally united team.
Remember: This is the Pale Blue Dot we live on. There is no other planet out there that we can go to and start over. There is no other planet close enough to offer us a safe haven in the event that we destroy the one we all call home. We live on Earth. This is home. We ALL live here. Lets learn to be kind to each other so it can be kind to us.
Reset yourself and in turn the world will reset itself. Move out on the spirit of humanity and be the best version of you. The Universe is counting on all of us to evolve into better, stronger, and more compassionate individuals. Humanity depends on it.
“Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there-on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.
The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.
Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.
The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand."
~Carl Sagan (11/9/1934 – 12/20/1996)
Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space