Stepping into your power can be a daunting task for many women. We know we have the ability to lead, create and change the very fabric of the world, yet we hesitate to step out and do so. What's the reason? Is it fear? Low self esteem, perhaps? Whatever it is, (and I can tell you, there are a plethora of reasons), it is just an illusion.
I have spoken to many women, and the common theme that appears to come up time and time again, is the fear of what others will think, say or do about what it is that we, as women, are setting out to do. From applying for a job that we (and everyone else) knows that we are more than qualified for to starting that business that we know is something that comes naturally to us (and we would excel at), there is always the hesitation and uncertainty of "What if..." lingering in the corner of our minds.
However, there is liberation from the effects of "What if Syndrome" and it's really very simple. The antidote? Just go out there and make it happen. Worrying about what others will think, say or do isn't any of your business. What YOU think, say or do matters because it's YOUR business, YOUR job interview, YOUR LIFE. Don't worry about finding the people who will like what you do, think or say. Trust me, when you step out on what you are doing and BELIEVE in what you can provide for others, whether it's a talent, a service, or just your presence, then those people will look for and find YOU.
We all have gifts, some of them may even be very similar in nature. However, the energy in which you operate makes what you do and how you do it unique. For example, there are millions of makeup companies out there and they all sell essentially the same products, but that doesn't stop them all from succeeding. There are many doctors who practice surgery, and all of them are skilled, but it doesn't stop them from doing their job because there's another doctor down the street doing the same thing. I could continue to give plenty of examples, but you get the point, I'm sure.
Worry and fear are emotions that stonewall you from taking action. They literally keep you undecided and therefore, immobilized. Let me ask you a question: If there's a resolution to your issue, why have worry or fear? If there is no solution, again, why have worry or fear? These two emotions cause us to place our attention on what isn't working instead of concentrating on what IS working. When you look at what IS working, you can devise a plan of action to circumvent your outstanding issues. Now, that's not to say that there aren't unsolvable scenarios in life, because there are, but again, if you can't resolve it, move on with what you have. Period.
Below is a list of what you can do to start the process of stepping into your power and reclaiming your ability to create, lead others and transform the world around you. After all, that's what true power is--The ability to transform your talents into energy that causes effective change for not only yourself, but others too.
1. Create. Whatever YOUR talent is, it all starts with a thought. Something you created. Whether it's a service oriented business or a talent that you have that a company is looking for, YOU have the ability to do it because YOU are the creator of that talent. Remember, just because someone else can do the same thing, doesn't mean they do it the way YOU do it.
2. Strategize. Now that you have perfected your craft (whatever it is for YOU), you now must do the work of researching other people, companies and organizations that offer the same, or who may be looking for YOUR specific talents. Again, don't worry about who else is looking or doing it too. It's YOUR job to find the holes that require filling.
3. Hit the Streets. Now that you've done the research, it's not going to help you if all you do is read about it. Now it's time to apply what you've learned. Apply for jobs, visit organizations, volunteer your time and talents to be sure it's something you really want. There's nothing like having a bit of real-world experience to get a feel for what you want to do.
4. Network. While you're getting that real-world experience, start making alliances with those who may be able to help you get to where you want to go. Show them that you have drive and a passion for the business and you will find that there are those who are more than willing to mentor you and make sure you learn everything there is to learn about how to make YOUR talent shine, while at the same time, placing you in a position that could snag you a leadership role.
5. Collaborate. Working with others is the key to making yourself a success. It shows that you are a team player and willing to help others succeed. This one is quite simple. When you help others, you help yourself.
6. Succeed. Now that you've created/honed your talents, done the research and gotten some much needed experiences under your belt, there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to make the most of your mentorships and collaborations. At this point, you should be in a position where you are meeting even more people who can help you to create your dream business. Your mentors and collaborators will bring the tools, people and know-how to you because they truly believe in YOU and what you are doing, thinking and saying, and when your crowd finds you, nothing can stop you.