We all use mirrors. They tell us how we look to others as well as ourselves. However, the mirror only reflects our outside appearance. In just a few glances (or stares into it), a mirror gives us all insight as to how we perceive ourselves and how we can change what we don't like.
However, have you ever thought that everyone we meet is in fact a mirror to us as well? This even includes yourself. When you wake up every day and look at your own image, you immediately assess what you see, don't want to see and the wish to change the things that make you a unique individual, like that mole on your face or the shape of your nose; That wrinkle on your forehead or that birthmark on your chin. If we do these assessments to ourselves, it only makes sense that we do it subconsciously to others that we meet.
As we move through life, we are on a constant quest to find that "perfect" person, job, or situation that tells us that we are complete and we have made it. We are so busy attempting to figure out why someone did, thought or said something about us or to us, that we fail to see that the person is only a reflection of what we do, think and say about ourselves. For example: If I have a co-worker who is constantly complaining about his/her job, but then I go home and am constantly complaining about my job to my family, it means that the co-worker is only reflecting my own discontent back to me. If I change my thinking, which eventually leads to how I behave, I can go to work and begin speaking about how grateful I am for my job and that I am hoping to get a promotion and wanting more responsibilities with the company, then that co-worker will eventually change his/her conversation OR remove himself/herself from my presence because he/she is no longer reflecting my discontent.
We all are reflections of each other and if we can't remove ourselves from those that are reflecting not-so-positive images, like a family member for instance, then we must be able to adjust ourselves accordingly. After all, if you're the one who has more knowledge, then you are responsible for it. For instance: If you have a grandmother who has done a certain thing all her life and you have tried to give her new and better information that will lead to her longevity and she refuses to make changes, it is up to you to realize that, know it's ok and still love her despite her refusal to make the changes.
Some of us can't make changes due to our traumas, fear or the inability to assimilate that a change should occur. Adjusting yourself means that when you go to an environment that you aren't familiar with, YOU keep yourself as inconspicuous as possible (If you go on safari, do you go loudly or do you go quietly?) If you meet someone and invite them to get to know you, do you try to make them feel as welcome as possible or do you make things how YOU like it?
You are the one who knows better and if you make yourself conspicuous or cater to yourself, it's only a reflection on you and not the other person.This is why we feel badly when we see the discomfort of the other person when we say, think or do something against them. It means that we did a wrong to ourselves as well.
Never underestimate the power of a mirror--including the human mirrors you interact with daily. They have the power to change your Spirit, your thinking and the outcome of your relationship with yourself and others. All you have to do is be aware and adjust yourself when needed with compassion, care and understanding.